IoT Geeks and Coding Gurus Unite at EmHackinathon
From 16 to 18 October, young and aspiring creative souls with a heart for coding will want to be in on a new feast of the Belgian hacking and coding community.
Are you a student specialising in coding, digital development and UX/design? Then this is your hour!
Participate in the EmHackinathon, subscribe today!
Everyone will go home with an amazing experience, an extra line of cool code on their CV, and good memories to tell their children/bot-kids. The best teams will win awesome prizes. First price is a whopping 3,000 euro and every geek’s dream: an Oculus Rift.
All subscribers will participate in a teamwork-based event where the teams have to create an application using Microsoft technologies. 48 hours to build an app that even your granny would find useful/mindblowing …
The latest hardware on the market (and more) will be provided so all have plenty of possibilities to excel and combine ideas, hard and software. At the end, each team presents its masterpiece to a selected jury. In order to stay alive, comfortable and presentable at the end, a survival kit is provided by the organization with lots of goodies.
Enter in the playground of Emakina and Microsoft, be part of that special world for 48 gripping hours. And benefit of the coaching and insights of some of the finest experts these companies have in the house.
The event will start on Friday the 16th of October at 6pm and will last until Sunday the 18th at 3pm. The EmHackinathon will take place at the offices of Emakina in Watermael-Boitsfort and is organised in association with the Brussels Digital Week.
APPLY NOW! Be part of the growing movement creating the ‘Internet of things’ and share your awesomeness with the world.
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