Exceeding expectations is the call of duty
Fulllife is not an e-commerce site. Every step of the brand experience is built to immerse you fully into the Fulllife Universe, borrowing mechanisms from gaming and elevating your daily life. Emakina partnered with the innovative streetwear brand to create a launch strategy, design its e-commerce site and implement an innovative loyalty programme.

The challenge
Video games are entertaining more than 3,2 billion (Source: Statista) gamers around the world. It is worth $120 billion worldwide. As a digital native company, Fulllife wanted to create a universe that not only provides a great shopping experience but also brings the excitement of unlocking virtual objects to life. Fulllife tasked Emakina with the strategy, design and build of an exciting gaming-inspired site.
Our solution
Born from gaming, Fulllife products blur the line between real and virtual, between people and avatars. Emakina’s insights team first drilled down into what gamers enjoy most about the world they escape to. Fortunately, many of our talented creatives and strategists are avid gamers themselves, so we could tap into their first-hand experience.

The target audience is capable of buying products that don't exist, like clothes and accessories for avatars. Therefore, shopping should have the same feeling of buying and earning objects inside video game stores. We collaborated with Fulllife to come up with a way of unlocking rare and legendary products, by earning Fulllife’s very own virtual currency called FL Coins. You have to unlock them to buy them. This would immediately resonate with serious gamers.
We also helped to custom-design the Capsule system – a new gamification approach within the online store. As you shop, you collect value – thanks to a Business Rules Engine at the heart of the Fulllife eShop Engine. Visitors are granted specially designed conditions in real time, allowing Fulllife's teams to fully set parameters for their needs.
A ‘philosophy’ is a product attribute type never before created in technological environments. This attribute and the consumer journey it enables is linked to innovative collection and secure blocking/unblocking mechanisms of products on the platform, typically found in massive multiplayer online games. These 8 philosophies are highlighted through products and experiences, so that all users can proudly express their passion, in the way that feels most natural to them.

When it came to building the site, Emakina’s team worked with a fully agile collaboration model, following an intensive specific experience design methodology. Adobe Experience Cloud was the solution that offered the most experience customisation possibilities, as well as great user experience for administrators. The page builder helped to personalise the front end to provide a unique user experience.

Adobe solutions also made it possible to develop specific functionalities to make the experience unique to the brand, such as introducing the capsules (virtual boxes) for loyal players. Emakina also integrated Zendesk for first-class customer service, global payment service Hipay, Shipup for shipping coordination and Hotjar for behaviour analytics and user feedback. We set up and kicked off an email marketing campaign via Mailchimp.
The result
The new online platform embraces the diversity and the richness of the gaming community and appeals to everybody who enjoys, plays and watches video games – or simply love the culture. At launch, the platform generated serious buzz in the gaming community. Thanks to the capsules, Fulllife welcomed more than 1500 customer accounts on launch day. In record time, gaming fans found their way to the site and created several thousand accounts. The positive trend is continuing, and the numbers are still growing.
+1500customer accounts on launch day